most intent

美 [moʊst ɪnˈtent]英 [məʊst ɪnˈtent]
  • adj.热切的;专注的;决心做(尤指伤害他人的事);专心;专注
  • intent的最高级
most intentmost intent
  1. It 's the most deliberate and intent image in the poem .


  2. I think most people understand the intent behind that .


  3. This is most useful when the intent is to use the stereotypes programmatically , to hold information or mark up elements but not to change the element â™ s presentation .


  4. These were at first thought to be Allied aircraft returning to base , but they turned out to be26 of Germany 's most feared dive bombers intent on " getting " the Foylebank .


  5. Design adornment bedroom and it is coequal and important to make a pair of self-portrait , because it is communicating host the most apparent with the most delicate intent .
